

Be more efficient and productive.

A magical solution for people who manage shopping malls. It's a hub for multi-channel communication and collaboration between you, your tenants and consumers, while storing all information securely. Forget spreadsheets, emails and phone calls. You always have access to up-to-date information and a one-stop solution for the commercial management of your properties.

Here are just few of the things
MANAGE can do for you.

  • Dashboard

    A quick look of the key metrics of your shopping mall or your entire property portfolio. View integrated information (e.g. people counting, business intelligence and consumer analytics) on a visual dashboard providing real-time insight for you to take appropriate actions. Transfer your legacy systems and old data into big data.

  • Sales Reporting

    Automatically collect monthly, weekly or even daily sales from your tenants. Customize and create your own reports with OCR (Occupancy Cost Ratio) and other industry standard metrics. Export reports to Microsoft Excel (tm) with a click of a button. We'll also import your sales reporting history.

  • Tenant Self-Service

    Let your tenants update their information (e.g. contacts, logos and offers) themselves and publish it on your marketing channels in real time. Create mailing lists using the email addresses provided by your tenants. Send instant messages to contact the right people right away.

  • Platform as a Service (PaaS)

    Our experience in the retail world helps you connect the dots even with your existing systems and legacy data. We can customize, localize and integrate on-demand or push data on your 3rd party services, such as parking, building or financial systems, websites, wayfinding directories or mobile applications. We also offer Service Desk and Service Level Agreements (SLA) to help you and your tenants with everyday tasks in your local languages.

Register NOW to evaluate the leading management platform for retail real estate.

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Easily sell all the advertising and promotional spaces of your mall online. Whether on your your digital screens, speciality leasing places, voice commercials or websites, you will generate more revenue.

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Targeting the right consumer traffic with the right type of message on the web, on the location digital signage and on mobile loyalty application gives you a competitive advantage on the market while improving shopping experience.

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